We’re Josh and Kristy Damm. We participated in the Migration Fest last weekend with our five children. Our family browsed through the vendors at the Carnegie. We loved the pancake mix. And we enjoyed the pumpkins and the photo op at the Unico Community Center.
But four of our children, Sydney, Kelsey, Jeremy and Aubrey, had the most fun hunting the geese. Our youngest, Wesley, was really enjoying his free pumpkin!
Sydney is a real eagle eye when it comes to hunting for geese. She found the first goose where it was hiding at Green Heart. Do you see it? It’s standing right there in the front window.
Everyone walked right past the goose at The Main, but Sydney spotted it through the window. There it is! Sydney’s pointing it out for you. If you don’t look up you’ll miss it.
Here’s Sydney in another picture, this time with one of the geese at the Towne Emporium. You can see it to the right of Sydney on the other side of the glass, hanging around the leaves in the display.
Jeremy wanted a turn getting his picture taken with one of the geese at the Towne Emporium. Can you see the goose? It’s partly hidden by the reflections in the window. There it is, standing behind those boots.
Aubrey was all smiles next to the goose at the Toasted Meringue, and if you look carefully you can see some of the pancake mix. We enjoyed that the very next morning! Looks like the goose had its eye on the mix too.
Kelsey could barely spot the goose wrapped in a scarf at My Cousin’s Closet. The scarf made it harder to find. Can you see the goose’s head peeking out from under the scarf?
Sydney and Kelsey found the goose lounging at Ernie’s TV. Smart goose! This one went for the store with the comfortable furniture. It seems to be looking at the pretty flowers out front.
Jeremy found one of the last geese on our journey at Gaffan’s Barber Shop. It’s on this side of the curtain — perhaps to avoid getting a trim? Or maybe there’s just no geese allowed at the barber shop.
Wesley didn’t notice the goose looking right at him because he was having so much fun with his pumpkin from the Unico Community Center. The pint-sized pumpkin was just the right size for him.
And this wasn’t even half of the geese hiding around Kingsville. Thank you to all the businesses that participated in the Migration Festival, we had a great time exploring our town!
Goose Image by Jan Haerer from Pixabay
All other photos by Josh and Kristy Damm